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Winter Season: Expert Suggests Nutritional Tips For Women

The winter season inspires a feeling of snugness, with its characteristic cozy blankets and warm drinks. However, while winters may be a tasty and pleasant affair for you, it may not be the same for your body, that is if, you fail to pay proper attention to your nutrition.

Rubaina Adhikari says, “The nutritional requirements of a person greatly vary depending on seasons and it is thus very important to provide your body with the right kind of nourishment and nutrients in each one.” Below is a list of the Top 5 nutritional tips shared by Rubaina Adhikari for you to make your winter a happy and healthy one.

Sweeten Your Health With The Sour Vitamin C

This magic Vitamin well known for its rich antioxidant content is a must-have for winters. Popularly found in sour, citrus-rich fruits such as oranges, lemons, kiwis, papayas, and guavas, Vitamin C plays a crucial role in keeping our skin healthy and glowing. Another benefit of the wonder vitamin is that it strengthens our immune system, keeping frequent diseases and colds at bay. Thus, to have disease-free and glowing wintertime, increase your Vitamin C intake.

Don’t miss out on this green opportunity

Eat Your Greens

green nutrition winter

We have all been told this by our parents as children, and it was not without reason. Green vegetables are rich in several important vitamins and antioxidants, which are essential for the proper functioning of our body. Spinach, for example, is an excellent source of Vitamin A and C. The rich protein, vitamin, mineral, and iron content of green leafy vegetables are extremely beneficial for several health conditions and also work to improve the quality and appearance of your skin and hair. The winter season is well known for its seasonal green leafy vegetables. Thus, you must capitalize on the opportunity and consume them well.

Warm Spices For The Win

spice nutrition winter

Indian spices like saffron, turmeric, cinnamon, and cardamom, are of immense help in winters as they all are known to provide much-needed warmth to the body. Additionally, they work to fend off diseases that are common in winters like, colds and flu. As a cherry on the cake, all these spices can be consumed as a part of delicious and warm drinks like turmeric milk or the national beverage, tea.

Dried Fruits To Defeat The Cold

dry fruits nutrition winter

Dry fruits too are an excellent form of getting and retaining warmth in the cold and dry season. Dates (khajoor) and Figs (anjeer) are some of the commonly consumed dry fruits in winters in India. Both of these are rich sources of calcium and iron. They also help in boosting energy levels of the body and are typically consumed with warm milk.

Butter Up

ghee nutrition winter

Since winter dries out our skin and hair due to the severe cold, it is essential to take measures to restore the nourishment of the body, inside out. You should regularly consume ghee to keep yourself nourished from within. Ghee also acts to keep your body warm in the cold weather and is thus a must on your eating list for the season.

Summing Up!

Rubaina Adhikari also adds, “It is very important to take care of yourself and your nutritional requirements in every phase of life. Winters, like any other season, can bring their own health challenges, and thus, one needs to regulate their diet and nutrition accordingly to combat them. The above few tips if inculcated properly can help you to regain and maintain good health and make you emit a warm glow throughout the cold winters.”

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