
Weekly horoscope from November 14 to November 20: Your luck for this week; see which signs have lady luck smiling for them


What does your luck look like this week (November 14 to November 20)? Find out in this weekly horoscope for Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.

Here’s what the ancient Tarot cards have to say about your Sun sign for this week.

Aries (Mar 21-Apr 19)

You need a little timeout from your daily routine or a demanding relationship. Before you start feeling suffocated or pressured, ask for space. A good week to collect your thoughts, focus on your health matters and reorganise your desk and files for a busy phase later. If you’re waiting for an answer about a business deal, or a job interview, be patient and remain optimistic. Holiday plans get finalised and if you were looking to relocate or buy property this week seems some action in this space. Be mindful of those who provoke and instigate, steer clear of gossip and controversy.

Taurus (Apr 20- May 20)

Be more assertive, speak out if someone treats you unfairly, get your point across before you get submerged in politics. Emotionally, you may shut down whatever is bothering you and use your energies to get ahead and get things done. A busy week of meetings and visitors and you may feel like you just have to do this all by yourself, with no one to shoulder some of the responsibilities. The cards do favour the new and untested. It could be technology, product, service or even a new alliance. One tip, make sure you do recharge your batteries, stress related ailments could resurface temporarily. A good week for decisive action and profitable ideas.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Open your mind to another perspective. Join a class. Enroll for higher studies. Reconnect with your mentor or Guru. Higher wisdom and learning are highlighted in the days ahead, and with your sharp and curious mind, learning something new won’t be hard at all. In work and business, stick to the tried and tested, even if it bores you. Singles could find the perfect match, and if already married, your spouse and you may make plans in terms of long-term investments. A secret may be revealed or you gain insight into a mystery. Your success is well deserved, just make sure you don’t slip on your promises to yourself and others.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Suddenly, out of the blue, you receive a pleasant surprise. Spirits are lifted and you’re raring to go again. Sensitivity can be a blessing or a curse if you’re not mindful of your response to someone’s thoughtless behaviour. Routines may go through sudden changes which will work out in the long run, though initially a part of you may feel like protesting or resisting. Work matters proceed smoothly. Your creative solutions have the ability to find the right answer and make the right decisions. Creative Cancerians may feel like exploring a new medium of expression and the cards urge you to experiment. Pay attention to your physical health. A strenuous day could take a toll on your knees and your feet.

Leo (July 23- Aug 22)

Persistence pays and your patience will be rewarded. Just don’t give up now, even if things aren’t easy. A helping hand appears just when you need it, or you get that much needed encouragement to keep you going. Your heart will tell you what you need to know about a special person, wedding bells may soon be in the air if you’re ready to tie the knot. Work matters wrap up smoothly and you may feel like taking a little time off between projects or jobs. Sudden repairs and renovations may go off budget and you may be in the mood to splurge and reward yourself! Be mindful of your health and don’t stop taking those immunity boosters.

Virgo (Aug 23- Sept 22)

Acceptance comes when you realise some people and some situations will not change just because they should. A stubborn individual may refuse to listen to your well-meaning advice and you may have no choice but to step back. A roadblock can be overcome with a more collaborative approach, especially in matters of research, development, manufacturing or technology. An old habit or attitude may need to be examined and released for progress and it will all work out well in the end. Remind yourself just how far you’ve come and don’t lose hope just yet.

Libra (Sept 23- Oct 22)

Pause and think before making a commitment. Prioritise what’s truly important and quit wasting time on those who are all talk and less action. Unscrupulous people may try to entice you with a promise that’s too good to be true. Because a new you is in the making, parts of the old you will be forced to give up unhealthy habits or patterns of behaviour which are not in sync with your true potential. For the new to come, the old ways have to be broken down consciously and if that doesn’t happen, it’s done for you by circumstances and the Universe. Expect the unexpected and pay attention to what others are not telling you, especially in matters of the heart.

Scorpio (Oct 23- Nov21)

The cards urge you to let go of past failures and mistakes and the losses you may have suffered. This is the week to start afresh, learning from earlier mistakes and to open a new chapter in your life professionally and personally. Open your mind, let go of your attachments to the past and you will find new opportunities. Your best success will come from foreign connections, old and new, but you will have to find a new way of strategizing and operating. Trust in your abilities to find the right answers. You know how to solve your problems, this card says; it is not easy, not a quick fix, but it is do-able. The solution is there. A new line of treatment shows positive results in health matters, work on your willpower.

Sagittarius (Nov 22- Dec 21)

You’ve always been the responsible one. And at some point you may have carried the entire weight on your own, be it financial or sheer physical work loads, but now avenues are opening up for you to delegate and share the work load. More and more people are willing to help you along the way and you are beginning to discover a gradual lightness in your load. If you’ve been going through a testing phase in your relationships of late, this week comes as a breath of fresh air as hope is restored and conflicts are resolved with honest and mature dialogue. A week to realise just how special you are and how much you are loved.

Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan19)

The environment may be volatile, explosive, there may have been angry outbursts. Energies repressed for too long may be suddenly released. Some sort of awakening is happening, perhaps through a new idea, new insight or a sudden realization about either your relationship or with your work. Now’s not the time to give someone a piece of your mind. Not until the facts are clear. Keep calm and carry on. Relief comes by way of a warm family reunion or celebration, reminding you that the best things in life are never things.

Aquarius (Jan 20- Feb 18)

An unresolved matter keeps you confused and somewhat disappointed. Holding on helps no one when deep down you know you should let go. Speak out more. Communicate exactly what you want and feel with those concerned. Staying silent now could lead to resentment later. Stay detached and you will be able to perceive the truth about people and the issues that surround you. Remember, any new venture takes time and patience, and returns are slow and relationships are built over time. Stay positive and very patient.

Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 20)

Multi-tasking seems to be highlighted in more ways than one. You could juggle 2 projects, manage multiple sources of income, or 2 relationships at one go! Whatever you do, do it with a sense of balance or you could find yourself overwhelmed with other peoples’ demands and expectations. Get too carried away with work and your family life may suffer. Get too involved in your family and business may suffer. You will need to learn to manage the two effortlessly, gently, without hurting anyone too much. The journey to the top isn’t easy, as anyone will tell you. There will be hurdles, stresses to face, but if your goals and your strategies are clear, success is assured.

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