6 Healthcare Essentials for People With Diabetes During the Omicron Wave

People with special health conditions like diabetes and blood pressure need to be extra careful and put their health on priority at all costs by considering certain additional precautions.

Amidst the recent wave of Omicron around the world and the ambiguity regarding the new variant, it is common for various myths and rumours to make rounds in WhatsApp groups as well as on other discussion platforms. However, instead of focusing on unscientific claims, it is always recommended to stick to specific guidelines by experts, doctors and recognized health organizations to protect yourself and your family from the threat of the deadly virus. People with special health conditions like diabetes and blood pressure need to be extra careful and put their health on priority at all costs by considering certain additional precautions, as follows:

  • Promote and practice COVID-19 appropriate behaviour- The first step towards reducing the risk of getting in contact with the virus is knowing about its symptoms and doing your best to avoid them. You can do it best by avoiding public gatherings, making sure to wear an N-95 mask with a good fit or a double mask, maintaining social distancing, good hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette. Do not forget to sanitize your hands every now and then, as well as frequently touched surfaces at home. Likewise, anything that comes from outside should be handled with the necessary care.
  • Monitor your blood sugar- Remember to keep your blood sugar levels in check on a regular basis, and make sure to record your readings. An HbA1C test that is generally done every three months can be useful in getting a better picture of the blood sugar levels over the period. Now, it is also possible to easily check your blood sugar levels at home with the help of home glucose monitoring kits especially with those that connect to your smartphone and can help you save and see your reading trends on your phone such as the BeatO Curv Smartphone connected glucometer or the Abbott freestyle Libre. The small and conveniently portable devices like BeatO’s Curv glucometer enables the user to track the trends and variations in the glucose level. Monitor sugar levels regularly to make sure your levels are in the controlled range, as advised by your doctor. Uncontrolled levels of blood sugar is considered highly risky as it invites various other health complications that can turn worse due to COVID.
  • Do not skip medications- If you are a person with diabetes, you may have been prescribed daily medications for management of the disease. Never ever stop or skip taking your medicines without your doctor’s advice. If your body is Vitamin D or Vitamin B12 deficient, consult with your doctor for necessary supplements, and make it a point to maintain your blood reports in the safe range.
  • Maintain a healthy diet- Staying away from diseases and leading a healthy life have a lot to do with immunity. And the immunity of your body largely depends on what you eat on a regular basis. For a person with diabetes, it is even more important to maintain a balanced and nutritious diet that is low in sugars and unhealthy fats. Deep fried, processed, packaged food and beverages should be avoided at all costs. Instead, increase your daily intake of freshly prepared homemade food, fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts and other healthier alternatives.
  • Stay active– Being physically active is highly important to manage and control your diabetes better. . Skipping it should never be an option, more so during these times of uncertainty. Make sure to walk and exercise daily to maintain good metabolic health and boost your immunity. If you do not feel safe to workout outside, bring your activities indoors and improvise. Practicing different yoga asanas is a very good way of stretching your body, and it can also be practiced indoors. Practicing moderate to high energy dance forms, spot sprinting, or even static jogging can be effective indoor workout options.
  • Get vaccinated- While exercise and diet are important for immunity, there is absolutely no better alternative to getting vaccinated. It is currently considered the most effective way for protection from the virus. If you are eligible, , do not ever neglect your turn and make sure to get both the doses of COVID-19 vaccine positively as well as the booster dose.

Finally, despite taking all precautions, if you still feel you have got the symptoms of Omicron, do not panic. The best approach towards such situations is to be alert and decisive. You need to act responsibly in order to prevent the infection from spreading to your family and loved ones. For that, make sure to isolate or quarantine yourself in a well-ventilated space, followed by a detailed consultation or tele-consultation session with a doctor, and also get a RT PCR for COVID-19 test done. Do not forget to inform your doctor about your medical history of diabetes, or any other health conditions you are currently taking medications for. Consult a diabetologist, if possible. Post that, make sure to follow the course treatment, as prescribed by the doctor, while constantly monitoring your blood sugar levels, blood oxygen saturation levels (SpO2), pulse and body temperature. Lastly, eat healthy and stay well hydrated. 

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