Wonderful benefits of pomegranate from boosting immunity to brain health


Pomegranate or anar is known for its innumerable benefits from ancient times. It not only serves as a tasty and filling snack for those hunger pangs in between the meals, but is a storehouse of nutrients that protects you from several diseases and also helps manage many. This is the reason many doctors recommend you to eat pomegranate to regain strength after an illness.

With more than hundred phytochemicals and high levels of antioxidants, pomegranate is also known to prevent certain types of cancer as per many studies. Health experts say a regular intake could help you reap rare health benefits.

The sweet and juicy fruit is known to boost brain health and prevent onset of Alzheimer’s disease as it reduces inflammation and oxidative stress. Pomegranate is also beneficial to block inflammation in case of arthritis and osteoporosis. A heart-healthy juice, it also helps in controlling blood pressure and blood sugar levels. Pomegranate also has anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties and people also have it to boost immunity against infections.

Nutritionist Lovneet Batra in her latest Instagram post lists many benefits of this amazing fruit.

Reduces cancer risk: Studies have suggested that pomegranates can prevent certain types of cancer and may even fight cancer at different stages. The anti-inflammatory properties and rich polyphenol content protect DNA from mutations, inhibit cancer cell growth, and help prevent cancer from spreading.

Boosts immunity: Pomegranate is rich in antioxidants and vitamin C, which makes it a great immunity-boosting food. The vitamin C helps to boost antibodies, which in turn, helps your body to fight the disease-causing germs.

May improve exercise endurance: The polyphenols in pomegranates may increase exercise endurance, the length of time you are able to partake in a physical activity before getting tired.

Boosts brain health: Pomegranates contain compounds called ellagitannins, which act as antioxidants and reduce inflammation in the body. As such, they also offer protective benefits for your brain against conditions that are influenced by inflammation and oxidative stress. The ellagitannins in pomegranate are believed to help produce a compound in the gut called urolithin A, which has been studied for its ability to reduce inflammation in the brain and delay the onset of cognitive diseases.

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