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World Blood Donor Day 2022: Here’s How Donating Blood Is Beneficial For Your Health

Blood Donor Day

New Delhi | Jagran Lifestyle Desk: Donating blood is not just only a humble act but it also helps in saving millions of lives of patients who are in need of blood. Apart from that, donating blood also has plenty of health benefits. In order to create awareness about the need for safe blood and blood products for transfusion, people across the globe observe World Blood Donor Day. The day also recorganise and honours those who often donate blood, unpaid blood donors make to national health systems. It is also said that act of helping others can reduce a person’s stress level and improve emotional well-being.

Donating blood has several health benefits including creating new blood cells, and reducing the risk of heart attack and liver ailment. Also, blood donation lowers cholesterol and even slows down ageing.

If a person has a massive blood loss, then it can lead to death as well. It is necessary to replace the blood loss as soon as possible to save a person’s life. People can suffer from major blood loss during road accidents or during some major surgeries.

Who can donate blood safely?

A regular healthy male or female in the age group of 18-65 years is eligible for donating blood. However, the hemoglobin level of the person should be above 12.5 gm per cent as it is considered safe.

Benefits of donating blood

Donating blood has not only health benefits, but it has emotional benefits too. As per Mental Health Foundation, when you donate blood you help someone, and this can reduce stress, improve your emotional well-being, and benefit your physical health.

Some of the health benefits of donating blood are:

Reduces risk of heart attacks and liver ailment

Formation of new blood cells

Reduced risk of hemochromatosis

Helps maintain weight

Helps prevent premature ageing

Speeds up healing process

Lower cholesterol level

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