Mental Health: 5 important things you need to know, expert speaks

Mental health has become the talk of the town, thanks to the society opening up about their trauma and hindered thought process. We got hold of Professor Nand Kumar of the Department of Psychiatry in AIIMS, Delhi. He talked about some vital points that could help you understand the value of a sound mental health.

What is good mental health

If you’re able to understand normal feelings, emotions, thought process, and your sleep and appetite is fine then you have a good mental health.

Not everyone is mentally ill

You can face issues related to your mental health and can feel bad about certain events. It’s absolutely normal to feel depressed and anxious at times. Not every mental health-related issue can be taken as mental illness. Most of the times, it can be treated with basic therapy.

When to see the specialist

If your work is getting affected for a longer period, or you are crying quite often, or you are losing interests in the work you used to do then there might be a problem. Basis the duration of such problems, you can visit the therapist.

Fear of unknown

Sometimes we are scared of something but we can’t pinpoint the reason then that could be a situation to be wary about. Palpitation, constantly losing weight without exercise or diet change should also be taken seriously.

Suspicious nature

Lately, if you have started doubting everything around you then this can be a problematic situation. One needs to sit down and think hard if he is letting his grip on the situation loosen up. 

Watch: DNA Health Plus with Prof Nand Kumar on Mental Health

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