How To Know If You Are Suffering From Depression? Look Out For These Symptoms

Depression, characterised as a mood disorder, leads to a persistent feeling of sadness or loss of interest. It can lead to a host of mental and physical problems, which can even interfere with your everyday tasks. According to an estimate by the World Health Organisation, “Approximately 280 million people in the world have depression.” In addition to that, WHO also suggests, “Over 7,00,000 people die due to suicide every year.” But, how do you know if you or anyone around you is suffering from depression?

If you have major anger issues, then it can be a sign of depression. However, not everyone struggling with anger issues is depressed. So, read on to find out how you can identify some of the most common symptoms of depression.

Constant feeling of sadness:

It’s normal to feel sad at times because we are humans, after all. However, if you feel low throughout the day for a long period, then it can be an indication that you are suffering from depression. When an individual is depressed, they don’t even like to indulge in their favourite activities. If the feeling of sadness sustains for over six to eight weeks, then it’s high time you either share your concerns with someone you trust or see a therapist.

Significant changes in your sleeping and eating patterns:

People who suffer from depression might notice a change in their eating or sleeping patterns. Change in appetite is one of the most common symptoms of this mood disorder, which a lot of people face while navigating tough times. Similarly, oversleeping or undersleeping could also be a sign of depression.

Increased irritability or anger:

Anger is a common emotion felt by everyone, but when you can’t control your anger, it can be a sign of depression. People suffering from depression find it difficult to control their emotions, let alone anger, especially during stressful situations. They might get anxious and start panicking or sweating excessively while facing such situations.

Feeling hopeless:

Hopelessness is yet another common symptom of depression. If you are depressed, then you are bound to have a negative outlook towards almost every situation. You might often feel that everything around you is crumbling and nothing is going right. Depression can make it extremely difficult for one to have a positive outlook towards life.

Decreased self-care:

If you know someone who has suffered from depression, then you must surely be aware of its impact on the person’s life. People struggling with depression might often forget to take care of themselves. They even avoid indulging in basic daily activities like brushing their teeth, showering and eating, to name a few.

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