5 wonderful benefits of having buttermilk post meals

From preventing acidity to boosting digestion, buttermilk post meals in summer can work wonders for your gut health.

A glass of buttermilk whether plain or spiced is the ultimate treat for your stomach as the summer season approaches. Having it after lunch or dinner not only improves digestion but also prevents acidity. This wonder drink is obtained as a by-product in the process of making butter from the cream. It is packed with probiotic qualities and can keep your gut health in top shape as the temperature rises. One can have buttermilk as it is or add some condiments like pepper, coriander powder, kala namak, dried ginger to further improve its health benefits. No wonder buttermilk has been used as a traditional remedy for thousands of years in Ayurveda for treating gut related issues.

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A storehouse of calcium, potassium, and vitamin B12, buttermilk has lactic acid having antimicrobial properties, which can help to boost the immune system. It can also be useful in your weight loss journey as it is a low-calorie snack with loads of nutrients. Buttermilk is good to have in summers as it is a good source of electrolytes like potassium, which help in maintaining the fluid balance in the body.

“Buttermilk is an excellent source of protein, which your body needs to build healthy muscles, skin, and bones. It’s also lower in calories than milk and high in calcium, vitamin B12, and potassium. Buttermilk can be consumed at any time of the day,” says Weight loss Expert Palki Chopra, Founder of Bites.Nutritious.

Here are some wonderful benefits of having buttermilk post meals as per Chopra.

Boosts Digestion

It is a boon for our digestive system. Healthy bacteria and lactic acid in buttermilk helps in digestion and improving our metabolism

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Treats IBS

Buttermilk aids in digestion and helps clear your stomach because of the acid in it. Regular consumption can reduce the onset of several stomach ailments like irritable bowel syndrome.

Prevents Acidity

Having buttermilk can help combat acidity. By adding condiments such as dried ginger or pepper, may further improve its properties and prevent acidity.

Helps in acid reflux

It provides a cooling effect on body especially on digestive system and reduces irritation in stomach lining caused because of acid reflux.

Strengthens immunity

The foundation for a strong immunity is a healthy gut and buttermilk encourages the growth of healthy gut flora which helps improve everything from the digestion to immunity.

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