Vastu Tips: 5 Things You Should Never Leave Empty at Home And Why?

Vastu Tips For Home: Enhancing the positive energy and financial well-being of our homes is a universal desire. Negative energy is said to be connected to specific items in the home, which can impact the family negatively. One can potentially prevent such negative energy from entering the house by following Vastu Shastra guidelines. However, there are a few items that should never be left empty in the house to maintain a positive environment. While there are various interpretations, it’s generally suggested to avoid leaving these items vacant

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  1. Wallet or Purse: In this ancient practice, it’s believed that an empty wallet or purse could symbolize financial instability and create a void in the flow of money. A wallet or purse is considered a vessel that holds our financial resources. When it’s empty, it’s thought to represent a lack of financial abundance. This can potentially create a sense of unease or imbalance in the energy of the home. However, by keeping the wallet or purse filled, we are believed to attract and retain financial prosperity. This action is aligned with the principle of maintaining a positive energy flow and ensuring that the energy associated with money remains active and vibrant. Read More: 10 Vastu Tips To Prevent Quarrels Between Husband-Wife, Ensure Strong Bonds In Family
  2. Containers or Jars: In the world of Vastu Shastra, the concept of energy flow is fundamental. Empty containers and jars are not just ordinary objects; they are seen as vessels that hold the potential for abundance and positive energy within a household. It can be clearly noticed that an empty container or jar signifies a void or emptiness in terms of energy. This void can be thought of as a lack of abundance or the potential for prosperity. Just as a container is meant to be filled with items, it is believed that a vacant container disrupts the flow of positive energy that should be circulating within the home. By keeping containers and jars filled with items, you’re essentially inviting and preserving positive energy.
  3. Empty Flower Vases: Empty flower vases could signify unfulfilled relationships or a void in the household. In the realm of vastu shastra, even the placement of simple objects like flower vases carries symbolic weight. Moreover, a flower vase symbolizes not only beauty but also the blossoming of relationships and connections. When a flower vase remains empty, it is thought to represent unfulfilled relationships or a sense of emptiness within the home. Just as flowers bring life and vibrancy to a space, an empty vase may reflect a lack of vitality in relationships or an absence of emotional warmth. Read More: 6 Vastu Tips for Wealth and Happiness
  4. Empty Bucket in Bathroom: In Vastu Shastra, the bathroom is considered a space where water, a symbol of wealth and prosperity, flows out. An empty bucket in the bathroom is seen as a disruption to this flow of prosperity. the bathroom is associated with the element of water, which is closely linked to wealth and abundance. Keeping an empty bucket in the bathroom is believed to obstruct the natural flow of water energy within the space. By placing a filled bucket in the bathroom, proponents of Vastu aim to maintain the harmonious flow of energy associated with water. This practice is believed to ensure that the positive energy of wealth and prosperity is not impeded but continues to circulate freely throughout the household.
  5. Empty Water Vessel: According to Vastu Shastra, it’s best to avoid keeping empty water vessels at home as they represent emptiness and can disrupt positive energy flow. When a water vessel is empty, it’s thought to create a break in this energy flow. To maintain a good energy flow, Vastu suggests filling water vessels with water. This supports the idea that a continuous, lively energy flow enhances overall prosperity and well-being. Water symbolizes wealth and prosperity in Vastu. An empty water vessel could mean missing out on attracting financial well-being.

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