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Weight Loss Tips: Can You Lose Fat And Gain Muscles At The Same Time? Expert Speaks

Weight loss regime encompasses various things and fat loss is one of them. Expert reveals how one can sustainably lose fat but gain muscles at the same time.

Most people who are looking to lose weight want a slim yet toned body structure. But can you truly have the best of both worlds – losing fat and gaining muscle at the same time? “This is only possible where you focus on cutting fat while building muscle. This process is called body recomposition” says Miten Kakaiya, fitness and wellness coach at Miten Says Fitness. “Body recomposition is an approach to health and fitness that focuses on body composition rather than solely focusing on the numbers on the scale”

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Relation between weight loss and muscles gain

Body Recomposition revolves around the concept of optimizing body composition rather than weight loss. It involves the dual goal of reducing body fat levels while increasing muscle mass. Unlike traditional weight loss approaches, which often neglect muscle preservation, body recomposition aims for sustainable results by striking a balance between diet and exercise. “Moreover, gaining muscle in your weight loss journey supports metabolism, enhances strength and endurance, improves bone density, and contributes to better posture and balance,” adds Miten.


  1. Calorie Management: One shouldn’t make drastic dietary or lifestyle changes in a short span of time as it can get counterproductive and lead to negative impacts. “Instead of going on an extreme calorie deficit, focus on gradually reducing your calorie intake. This way you aren’t just promoting fat loss but also ensuring sufficient energy for muscle preservation” says Miten.
  2. Protein-Rich Diet: Increasing protein intake supports muscle maintenance and growth while aiding fat loss. Ensure that you add protein to every meal.
  3. Nutrient-Dense Foods: Focus on whole, nutrient-dense foods while minimizing processed and sugary snacks. Incorporate a nutritionally balanced diet to support overall health and satiety.
  4. Strength Training: Engage in regular strength or resistance training exercises to stimulate muscle growth and enhance metabolic rate. “Strength training isn’t just for building muscles, it’s an excellent fat burner too!” says Miten.
  5. Interval Training: Incorporate high-intensity interval training (HIIT) into your workout routine to maximize calorie burn and fat loss while preserving muscle mass. “Alternate between bursts of intense activity and periods of rest or lower intensity to maximize calorie burn” adds Miten.
  6. Calorie Intake: Your daily calorie intake should be based on your activity levels, fitness goals, and workout intensity. Optimize your diet with nutrient-rich and adequate calories to support muscle growth and facilitate fat loss.

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While untrained individuals may experience simultaneous fat loss and muscle gain more easily, trained athletes face greater challenges due to their advanced fitness levels. “As athletes have already optimized their training routines, and built considerable muscle mass, they may need to implement more advanced training techniques and closely monitor their nutrition to achieve body recomposition goals effectively” says Miten.

While body recomposition is an excellent way to holistically achieve your health and fitness goals, understand that it takes time. One may not be able to see visible changes in the mirror or on the weighing scale for a long time because the body is changing internally. Embrace the process, stay consistent, and seek support from professionals who can help you with dedicated meal plans and workouts that maximize your journey of fat loss and muscle gain at the same time!

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