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Budha Purnima 2024: How Is This Auspicious Festival Celebrated In Different Countries? All You Need To Know

Buddha Purnima, also known as Vesak Day is celebrated in not just India but several other countries as well. Here is how the celebrations and rituals take place globally.

Buddha Purnima, also known as Vesak, is a significant festival celebrated by Buddhists around the world to commemorate the birth, enlightenment, and death of the Buddha. The celebration of this festival varies across different countries, but it generally showcases the rich cultural and religious traditions associated with Buddhism. This year it will be celebrated on May 23.

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Lord Buddha was born King Siddhartha. Growing up, he witnessed the several miseries of life different people endure. This made him change himself and he embarked on the path to attain nirvana, enlightenment.

Later, several of his disciples along with him spread the teaching of Buddhism worldwide in order to restore peace and harmony. Hence, this day is celebrated to honour him. It is celebrated in slightly different ways in different countries.

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In India, Buddha Purnima is a national holiday. Devotees visit Buddhist temples and monasteries, where they offer prayers, light candles, and distribute sweets and fruits. Special programs are organised, including lectures, discussions, and cultural performances that highlight the teachings of the Buddha. In certain regions, people release birds and fish as an act of compassion, symbolising the Buddha’s teachings of non-violence and respect for all life.

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  1. In Nepal, the birthplace of the Buddha, Buddha Purnima is a national holiday. Celebrations include visits to the Lumbini Garden, where the Buddha was born, as well as various Buddhist temples and monasteries across the country.
  2. Indonesia, home to the world-famous Buddhist temple of Borobudur, celebrates Buddha Purnima with a grand festival. Devotees gather at the temple to participate in prayers, meditations, and cultural performances.
  3. In Sri Lanka, the celebration of Buddha Purnima is a grand affair. Buddhists decorate their homes with flowers and lights, and participate in alms-giving ceremonies, meditation retreats, and public gatherings. The streets are adorned with colourful flags and lanterns, and the religious sites are filled with devotees offering prayers and observing the eight precepts of Buddhism.
  4. In Thailand, the celebration is known as Visakha Bucha Day. Temples are decorated with flowers and candles, and devotees participate in candlelight processions, meditation sessions, and the release of birds and fish.
  5. In Myanmar, the festival is called Kason, and it is marked by the release of small boats (called Kathina) filled with flowers and candles onto rivers and lakes. This symbolises the Buddha’s journey across the river of life.
  6. In Japan, the festival is known as Vesak or Hanamatsuri, and it is celebrated with the pouring of sweet tea over statues of the baby Buddha, symbolising the purity and compassion of the Buddha. .

Across the globe, the celebration of Buddha Purnima is a testament to the enduring legacy of the Buddha and the universal appeal of his teachings. Through diverse cultural expressions and rituals, Buddhists around the world come together to honour the life and teachings of the enlightened one, and to reflect on the principles of compassion, wisdom, and inner peace that are at the heart of the Buddhist faith.

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