Easy and effective home remedies to treat bleeding piles

Eating balanced diet with loads of fibre along with intake of sufficient amounts of water can ease piles symptoms. Here are some effective home remedies to treat piles or haemorrhoids.

Piles, also known as haemorrhoids, are lumps which are basically swollen veins inside and around your anus. Painless bleeding while passing stools, an itchy anus, mucus in your stool, lumps in your anus are all warning signs that indicate their presence. Diet is an important factor behind development of pile as eating food that has less fibre and eating more deep-fried stuff can lead to constipation which increases your chance of haemorrhoids. Straining during bowel movements, obesity and pregnancy can also trigger piles. Piles do not usually cause other complications except chronic blood loss can cause anaemia. They may also get healed on their own but it is important to lead a healthy lifestyle. 

“Piles are swollen veins in the anal canal region. When in their normal state, they act as cushions to control the passage of stools. They are engorgement and swelling of blood vessels around the ano-rectal region and occur due to increased pressure in these localised blood vessels, which develop due to prolonged constipation or straining during defecation,” says Dr Sajeet Nayar, MBBS, MS – General Surgery, Diploma in Laparoscopy – Pristyn Care.

Symptoms of piles

Some of the symptoms of piles include pain, and bleeding in the anus, and mostly a lump or a swelling in the area means there are piles. Itching and anal discharge are also common. However, piles in their starting stage can be effectively treated at home.

Other symptoms include:

– Bleeding from your rectum. It is visible as bright red blood on the stool, on toilet paper or in the toilet bowl after a bowel movement

– Pain and/or discomfort while passing stools

Home remedies for piles

There are a few tips to deal with piles.

“Diet plays an important role in dealing with piles. The quantity of fibers, green vegetables, fruits and water have all reduced in our diet. We also consume a lot of oily and deep-fried things. This imbalance in diet makes digestion less efficient. Low water intake is an additional factor which increases constipation. In winter, we increase salts and fats in our diet. Coffee is another potential factor as intake of excessive coffee can slow down bowel movement and lead to an aggravation of existing piles. We should make a balance in our diet, should have regular fibrous food like vegetables, whole grains, and fruits along with intake of sufficient amounts of water,” says Dr Nayar.

Dr Nayar suggests some common home remedies that can help relieve the symptoms of piles:

1. Warm bath with Epsom salt: Warm baths can help soothe irritation from hemorrhoids. Try using a sitz bath — a small plastic tub that fits over a toilet seat so you can just immerse the affected area — or take a bath in a tub, if you can.

2. Cold compresses: Apply ice packs or cold compresses to the anus to relieve swelling for 15 minutes at a time. For large, painful hemorrhoids, cold compresses can be an extremely effective treatment

3. Supplements: Stool softeners or fibre supplements like isabgol can help treat constipation, add bulk to the stool, soften the stool and make it easier to have painless bowel movements. These supplements come in forms like powders, capsules, and liquids that should be taken 2-3 times a day to regularise bowel functions and also ease symptoms associated with piles.

“Piles are simple to treat, and many cases settle on their own, however, very rare cases may cause complications. If home remedies are not effective after two weeks, it is important to consult a surgeon. The doctor may recommend medications like creams, ointments, and suppositories for a week, if it doesn’t settle. If these treatments do not work, it may require a surgery as decided by the surgeon. It is important to consult a qualified surgeon and not quacks. Sometimes, fistulas can be confused with piles, so one should settle and meet a surgeon who will differentiate,” says Dr Nayar.

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